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All Things Teeth Grinding

The Silent Threat: How Bruxism Can Erode Your Health and How Custom Night Guards Save the Day

Bruxism, the unconscious grinding or clenching of teeth, might seem innocuous, but its consequences can be far-reaching and severe. As the nights pass with teeth mercilessly gnashing together, the worst effects of bruxism can silently take hold, affecting not just your teeth but also your jaw and overall health. In this article, we'll delve into the erosive force of bruxism, how it can wreak havoc on your well-being, and how...

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The Science Behind Custom Night Guards: How They Work to Protect Your Teeth

Custom night guards have emerged as a critical tool in safeguarding dental health and enhancing sleep quality for individuals dealing with teeth grinding, or bruxism. The science behind these devices is rooted in biomechanics, material science, and dental expertise. In this blog post, we will delve into the scientific principles that underpin custom night guards, shedding light on their mechanism of action and effectiveness in preventing teeth damage. Understanding Teeth...

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Sleep Better, Live Better: How Custom Night Guards Improve Overall Health

Quality sleep is the cornerstone of good health and well-being. Unfortunately, teeth grinding, or bruxism, can disrupt this essential restorative process, leading to dental issues, discomfort, and a decline in overall health. In this blog post, we will explore the crucial link between quality sleep, overall health, and the positive impact of custom night guards in improving both. Understanding how custom night guards combat teeth grinding can lead to better...

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Addressing Common Night Guard Problems: How to Handle Discomfort

Custom night guards are invaluable tools for protecting our teeth from the damaging effects of teeth grinding or bruxism. However, some users may experience discomfort or face challenges in getting accustomed to their night guards. In this blog post, we will identify common issues that night guard users may encounter and offer practical solutions to address discomfort and make necessary adjustments. By understanding these challenges and learning how to overcome...

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The Link Between Teeth Grinding and TMJ Disorders: How Night Guards Can Help

Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Aside from the potential damage to teeth, bruxism can also lead to temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. In this blog post, we will explore the relationship between teeth grinding and TMJ disorders, highlighting the role of night guards in managing TMJ symptoms. Understanding this connection and the benefits of night guards can help individuals find...

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Night Guards vs. Over-the-Counter Night Guards: Which One is Right for You?

Nighttime teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, can have detrimental effects on your oral health and overall well-being. To protect your teeth from grinding, night guards and over-the-counter mouthguards are two popular options. In this blog post, we will explore the key differences between custom night guards and over-the-counter night guards. By understanding these distinctions, you can make an informed decision and choose the right solution for your specific needs....

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The Importance of Custom Night Guards for Teeth Grinding: FAQs Answered

Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, can have detrimental effects on oral health and overall well-being. Custom night guards are a crucial tool in managing this condition and protecting your teeth from the damaging effects of grinding and clenching. In this comprehensive guide, we will answer frequently asked questions about custom night guards for teeth grinding. From understanding the benefits of custom night guards to addressing concerns about their usage,...

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The Link Between Stress and Teeth Grinding: Managing Bruxism with Night Guards

Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, is a common dental condition that affects many individuals. While various factors contribute to this habit, stress is often identified as a significant trigger. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the link between stress and teeth grinding, understanding how stress impacts oral health and exploring effective management strategies. Discover how night guards, custom-made oral appliances, can provide relief from bruxism symptoms, protect your...

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Understanding the Causes of Teeth Grinding: A Comprehensive Guide

Teeth grinding, or bruxism, is a common dental condition that affects many individuals. It is characterized by the clenching and grinding of teeth, often unknowingly. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the causes of teeth grinding, shedding light on its various factors and potential triggers. By understanding the underlying causes, you can take proactive steps to address this issue and protect your dental health. Whether you're experiencing teeth...

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A Comprehensive Guide to Night Guards: Enhance Your Sleep and Protect Your Teeth

Do you wake up in the morning with a dull headache or a sore jaw? Has your dentist mentioned signs of teeth grinding or bruxism during your regular check-ups? If so, it's time to consider investing in a night guard, a simple yet effective solution to alleviate the discomfort caused by teeth grinding and clenching. In this blog post, we'll explore the ins and outs of night guards, including their...

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Managing Bruxism: Pros and Cons of Wearing a Bite Splint or Custom Night Guard

Do you wake up with a sore jaw or headache every morning? Do you find yourself clenching or grinding your teeth throughout the day or while you sleep? If so, you may be one of the millions of people who suffer from teeth grinding, also known as bruxism. Fortunately, there are ways to alleviate the symptoms of bruxism and protect your teeth from damage, such as wearing a custom night...

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Relief from TMD with Custom Night Guards: Benefits, Types, and Choosing the Right One

Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) is a condition that affects the jaw joint and the muscles that control jaw movement. It is estimated that up to 10 million Americans suffer from TMD, which can cause a variety of symptoms including jaw pain, clicking or popping sounds, difficulty opening or closing the mouth, and headaches. While the exact cause of TMD is unknown, there are several treatment options available, including the use...

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Why Water Flossing Should Be Part of Your Oral Care Routine

As part of our daily oral care routine, we all know the importance of brushing our teeth, but what about flossing? Flossing is often overlooked or skipped altogether, but it's an essential part of maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Traditional flossing can be time-consuming and difficult, but there is a more effective and efficient alternative: water flossing. Water flossing is a method of flossing that uses a stream of water...

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Why Wearing a Custom Night Guard is Essential for Your Sleep and Oral Health

Good sleep is vital to our overall health and well-being, but did you know that poor oral health can impact your ability to get a good night's rest? Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, is a common condition that affects millions of people and can lead to serious oral health problems such as chipped teeth, gum damage, and jaw pain. The best way to protect your smile and ensure that...

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Antidepressants and Teeth Grinding: The Surprising Link

Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, is a common condition that affects many people. The causes of teeth grinding can range from stress to misaligned teeth, but recent research has revealed a surprising link between the use of certain antidepressants and this habit. In this article, we will discuss the connection between antidepressants and teeth grinding, and what you can do to prevent it. What is Teeth Grinding? Teeth grinding...

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Custom Night Guards: A Solution for Teeth Grinding and Its Negative Effects

Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, is a common oral health problem that affects millions of people. While it is often considered a harmless habit, excessive grinding can have negative consequences for your oral health, including worn down teeth, jaw pain, and headaches. To help prevent these effects, many people choose to use a custom night guard. What is Bruxism and Why is it Harmful? Bruxism is the act of...

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The Negative Effects of Night Time Teeth Grinding

Nighttime teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, is a common issue that affects many people. While it may seem like a harmless habit, it can actually have serious negative effects on your oral and overall health. In this blog post, we'll explore the causes and consequences of bruxism and how you can address this problem. What Causes Nighttime Teeth Grinding? The exact cause of bruxism is still unknown, but several...

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How does Melatonin Affect Teeth Grinding

Melatonin is a hormone that is naturally produced by the body and is responsible for regulating sleep patterns. It is often used as a supplement to help individuals who have trouble sleeping and has been shown to be effective in reducing the symptoms of insomnia. The body typically produces enough melatonin for sleep, but there are ways to enhance natural production or try a supplement for temporary insomnia, jet lag...

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How should I treat my TMJ?

The temporomandibular joints or TMJs are located on each side of your jaw. They connect your jaw to your skull and allow your jawbone to move smoothly as your mouth opens and closes. When one or both of these joints are injured, strained, inflamed, or otherwise dysfunctional, a painful condition known as TMJ syndrome or temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) can develop. If you experience any of the following symptoms, you...

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Alcohol And Teeth Grinding – Is There a Connection?

Alcohol can make some of the biggest life celebrations more fun and exciting. You may enjoy dropping in for happy hour drinks once or twice a week with friends. Perhaps alcohol plays an even bigger role in your life as a tool for relaxation at the end of a long day. Regardless of how often you enjoy that glass of wine or a good margarita, it’s important to keep the...

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Sports Mouth guards: why you should wear one

Mouth guards are an essential piece of athletic gear, yet many people don’t know why they need one or how to choose the right one. Playing sports requires mouth guards to protect your mouth from many types of injuries. If you’re not already wearing a mouth guard, now is the time to start. Don't take our word for it; read on to find out why you should be wearing one....

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The Top 10 Benefits of Teeth Whitening

Who doesn’t like pearly white teeth? Imagine the confidence from smiling because of a perfect white set of teeth!  A Confident Smile White teeth boost self-esteem and the effects are immediate. The higher level of confidence to smile comes from the fact that you no longer have to worry about how yellow or brown your teeth look when you smile. Good Oral Health and Hygiene Teeth whitening removes dental plaque...

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Why Does My TMJ Hurt?

Tooth and jaw pain of any kind can cause all kinds of discomfort, up to and including sleep loss and a loss of appetite. In cases in which you are experiencing TMJ pain, this can be especially uncomfortable for both neck pain and jaw soreness. TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint disorder, and it often manifests in the jaw joint as a dull ache with occasional sharp shooting pains that lingers...

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TMJ Splint Vs Night Guard

You may have come across an individual who wears a mouthguard to bed. You were shocked. Right? Well, that was not a mouth guard; chances are that it was either a TMJ splint or night guard. TMJ splint and night guard are usually changed interchangeably but are two different dental devices. The night guard is more common and is what you probably thought was a mouth guard. On the other...

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Water Flossing and Orthodontics

For your oral hygiene, you may have already thought about getting a water flosser. For people with malocclusion teeth, an Orthodontic will recommend braces. And a water flosser is now the only thing that can truly clean braces, especially when food particles get stuck. Although it doesn't take much less time to use water flossing, they are simpler, won't harm your gums, and won't result in bleeding. The longer plaque...

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How to Take a Mouth Guard Impression

Mouth guards are an effective tool for treating a variety of dental issues. A good mouth guard can help prevent persistent pain and tooth damage that will continue to get worse if left untreated. The quality of a mouth guard largely depends on the accuracy of the impression you get, so follow the instructions closely for an effective dental tool. Types of Mouth Guards Mouth guards on the market fall...

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Why Do I Have Lock Jaw, and What Should I Do to Fix It?

Lock jaw, also called trismus, is a condition that affects the way you open and close your mouth. The symptoms of lock jaw can range from mild to severe and can make it difficult to eat, drink, or even talk. There are many possible causes of lockjaw, and treatments vary depending on the cause. Lock jaw is a condition caused by a misalignment of the jaw or by a problem...

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Night Guard Material: What is in a night guard?

All of us take our healthcare seriously. The value of our lives is so often dictated by our well-being that it’s of vital importance that every care is taken to protect our health now and in the future. The choices we make today can have lasting impacts on us. This is especially true of the substances our dentists use when they manufacture our mouth guards. There can be many reasons...

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Water flosser: What is it? How do I use it?

What is a Water flosser? Flossing is important to maintain good oral hygiene, string flossing while effective can be an awkward and difficult task. If you are looking for an easy and effective means of flossing, then a water flosser might be right for you. The water flosser uses the movement of water (hydrokinetics) to loosen and remove plaque and bacteria whilst gently cleansing the gumline. A water flosser is...

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Boil and Bite Mouth Guards: What You Need To Know

Mouth guards are oral implements that fit around your teeth and are specially designed to protect your teeth and mouth. Three main types of mouth guards promote oral health and protection: Custom-made Mouth Guards, Stock Mouth Guards, and Boil and Bite Mouth Guards. Let’s briefly describe each and then focus on the boil and bite type of mouth guard. Custom-made mouth guards are made from models of your teeth and specially...

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How Does Teeth Grinding Affect The Senior Community?

As we age, our bodies go through many changes. Some of these changes can lead to new or worsening health conditions. One such condition is bruxism, which is the medical term for teeth grinding. In this article, we'll explain bruxism in detail as well as its unique impact on the elderly population. Bruxism Defined: Bruxism is a problem in which  people clench or grind their teeth involuntarily. The word “bruxism”...

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Does My Sleeping Position Cause Teeth Grinding?

While your sleep position isn’t likely to cause teeth grinding on its own, it can contribute to grinding at night. Some positions hold your spine out of alignment and increase your risk of teeth grinding or clenching. Grinding and clenching can contribute to poor TMJ health or the development of TMD over time.  If you have bruxism or are concerned that nighttime teeth grinding is interfering with your quality of...

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How Does Grinding Affect Our Teeth?

Everything that you do with your mouth can have a serious impact on your oral health. Bruxism—otherwise known as teeth grinding—is one of the most common tooth-compromising habits. Take a moment to learn what this condition is, what causes it, and how you can stop it from stressing your teeth and potentially leading to pain. What is Bruxism? Bruxism is the official term for unconscious teeth grinding. It occurs when you...

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DIY Night Guards

Around 8% of Americans suffer from bruxism, or excessive teeth grinding and jaw clenching. Considered to be a sleep-related movement disorder, this condition can affect both children and adults. A night guard can provide much-needed relief, fitting over your teeth and gums to protect them from damaging pressure. While your dentist can create a custom-fitted one in the office, you can also make one at home. Today, we’re taking a...

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Brushing 101

It is important to brush your teeth properly to maintain a good oral hygiene. Brushing your teeth removes bacteria from your teeth and gums and gets rid of the plaque – a sticky film of food debris, bacteria, and saliva. If plaque is not removed, it can harden and turn into yellow or brown deposit known as tartar, which can only be removed by a dentist or dental hygienist. Bacteria...

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Teeth Whitening: Fact or Fiction?

Imagine this: you see a photo of yourself smiling and having a great time with friends, but all you can think is “I wish my teeth weren't so yellow.” Sound familiar? Everybody’s wished for whiter teeth at times. After all, pharmacy shelves are stocked with teeth-whitening products like special toothpaste and whitening strips, but do these products really work? Is it even possible to whiten your teeth after discoloration has...

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How to Train My Jaw to Stop Grinding

Do you ever find yourself grinding your teeth during stressful moments? Perhaps a loved one has told you that you grind your teeth while asleep? You’re not alone. According to the Sleep Foundation, around 8% of middle-aged adults experience night-time teeth grinding (also known as bruxism), while up to 50% of children are affected. As well as creating an irritating – even unsettling – noise, bruxism can damage your teeth....

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Is Water Flossing the Perfect Tool for Better Oral Health?

Healthy teeth help you chew and enjoy food, make you feel more confident when you talk to people and smile, and promote good overall wellbeing. The key to keeping your teeth healthy is good oral hygiene, and more and more dentists and oral healthcare specialists are now recommending a water flosser as part of that daily routine. You probably know that you're supposed to brush and floss daily, but you...

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Snoring And Teeth Grinding

Approximately 45 percent of adults snore on occasion, and 25 percent snore regularly. Furthermore, approximately 10 percent of people grind their teeth or clench their jaws (also known as bruxism) while they sleep. Did you know that there’s a link between snoring and teeth grinding? Everything you need to know about this connection is explained below. Signs You Snore or Grind Your Teeth Because snoring and teeth grinding happen while...

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How To Reverse Tooth Decay

Your teeth are one of the most vital organs in your body. When they are healthy, they can withstand an astounding amount of pressure. They can also perform many functions like processing food and forming a beautiful smile. Failure to take care of your teeth can result in different problems. One of them being tooth decay. Tooth decay occurs when the teeth are attacked by bacteria that feed on food...

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The Best Supplements for a Restful Sleep

More than one-third of adults (35.2 percent) report sleeping less than 7 hours per night.   Are you part of this group? Are you looking for some natural tools that can help you enjoy better rest? If so, keep reading to learn about 5 of the most effective sleep supplements, as well as other beneficial tools. Supplement 1: Melatonin Melatonin is a hormone. The brain produces it in response to darkness...

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My Night Guard Is Yellow. Now What?

My mouth guard turned yellow, is that a bad thing? This is a classic question among those wearing this removable oral device. It’s normal to be worried after noticing a drastic change in your dental appliance. Particularly if it’s turning yellow or has noticeable discoloration. A mouth guard or night guard is a practical device, capable of creating a barrier between the lower and upper teeth. Its primary goal is...

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How to Relax Your Jaw When Sleeping

Waking up with a headache, an aching neck or a sense of tension and discomfort in the mouth rarely sets anyone up for a positive day ahead. A leading cause of issues such as this is teeth grinding or clenching the jaw overnight. Some people tense up their jaws due to concentration, anxiety, stress, or even force of habit. However, what can be even worse is when the jaw is...

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Can Night Guards Straighten Teeth?

Bruxism is a condition that involves grinding your teeth, especially during the night. While it is not just discomfort, it is a significant concern for your oral health. Teeth clenching is more manageable during the day, but those having this condition at night do not always have a way out. The difference between bruxism at night and during the day is that one is unaware of these happenings during the...

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A simple routine for cleaning your night guard properly

Your mouth guard works to lessen the effects of teeth grinding or teeth clenching while you sleep. Just as you would care for your teeth to keep them clean, you should follow a good routine to keep your night guard clean too. Because you wear your mouth guard through the night, the bacteria in your mouth transfers to your night guard. The good news is, caring for and cleaning your...

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Teeth Grinding Tips: These Are the Best and Worst Drinks to Have Before Sleep

Teeth grinding may be your response to stress and anxiety or could be an indication of a sleep disorder like sleep apnea. Changing your nighttime routine can make a difference to the quality of sleep you get. Common tips to help you stop teeth grinding at night and waking up with sleep jaw include the cutting back of certain beverages. Replace them with sleep-enhancing drinks right before bedtime for a...

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TMJ After Braces

In a perfect world, your teeth-related woes would end once you got your braces off. While your braces may help guide your bite into perfect alignment, getting the hardware removed can sometimes lead to other issues. One of the more prevalent issues in individuals who recently got their braces off is a temporomandibular joint disorder (often called TMD or TMJ). There’s no definitive evidence that braces cause TMD, but it’s...

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Can Bruxism and TMD go away naturally?

If you’re dealing with pain caused by bruxism (teeth grinding) or a temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ or TMD), you might think that the best course of action is just to stick it out. Maybe you’ve been feeling extra stressed lately, and you chalk up the pain to a side effect. It’s no big deal; nothing a bit of ibuprofen can’t help, right? While the pain associated with bruxism and TMD...

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Bad Breath and Oral Health

How Do I Know If I Have Bad Breath? If you’ve already been living that mask-free life, you may have already noticed some subtle cues. People stepping away from you when you start talking, turning their cheek farther than needed when you kiss them goodbye. Although, that may just be the pandemic talking. You can ask the brutally honest one in your friend group or your significant other. Or you...

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The Secret to a Healthy Smile

This probably won’t come as a massive shock to you, but the secret to a healthy smile is all about your oral hygiene routine. Think about it. When it comes to skincare, you have a cleanser and cream for just about everything. In fact, some K-beauty brands even recommend a 12-step skincare regime. So why are we taking such intricate care of our skin but assuming that brushing will get...

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